Impromptu gig and back to Nairobi
Sean tells us there is a bar up the road where we could do an impromptu gig if we fancy it so we set off in another taxi. The bar is small and fairly full. A recent power cut has stopped everyone watching the football so it seems a good moment to play.
Ayub is great and we play for quite a while, much to the surprise and enjoyment of the locals. I am bushed however and order a drive home around 11pm. The others stay longer and Ayub and Sean make it to bed about 5am.

Trevor Warren, Isaac Gem and Ayub Ogada – happy times in Kenya
Dan arrives at 8am to take us back to Nairobi. We settle up at the camp, I buy some cloth from a local weaver to take back for presents, say our goodbyes and we are off, hurtling at light speed towards the city.
As we travel back towards Nairobi, we talk of meeting up that evening to listen to the recordings and maybe do a bit more work, and the next day too, but I start thinking this probably won’t happen. Exhaustion is setting in and anyway Isaac has to go straight off to play gig as soon as we arrive. I am right… the evening peters out and we both fall asleep after doing only a bit of listening. The next day is a wash out and involved a lot of sleeping I think.
I leave very early Friday morning and Dan once again is there to take us to the airport. It feels kind of strange to be leaving as I am finally falling in love with the chaos and beauty of this country. Nearly everyone here has been so welcoming and friendly I have felt as if I’ve found yet another new home.
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